Goals For Your Event

Educational & Entertaining: In over a decade of teaching fitness, Maggie has found that people are less likely to practice what they’ve learned if they don’t have fun. Also, people connect to each other and better understand difficult concepts through stories. Maggie takes challenging topics like pain and movement and presents current research in a way that is memorable, motivational, and amusing. If she can make push-ups fun, she can make anything fun. Using stories to relay information and humor, when fitting, audiences go away feeling better about their bodies and more excited to get and keep moving.

Seamless Booking: All the pre-planning that goes into an event makes it run smoothly. Maggie knows first-hand how much work it takes to organize and plan events. She has worked on many. Our team makes booking Maggie as a speaker easy. Tell us what you need. We’ll make it happen.

“I’ve never left a presentation and felt that I could instantly apply what I learned. That is until Maggies’.”
-Scott Bushey, Wesleyan University
“I’ve never left a presentation and felt that I could instantly apply what I learned. That is until Maggies’.”
-Scott Bushey, Wesleyan University

Your Audience: Who’s Listening?

Movement makes our lives better. The following audiences have benefited from Maggie’s presentations:

Corporations/Trade & Business Associations: In business your most important resources are your people. Organizations that invest in the wellness of their employees see lower health costs, increased productivity, and team building. Chronic pain is a massive cause of missed work. Maggie works with companies to help encourage their staff to be more active, understand tools that can help ease the pains of sitting, and find their personal motivation to move. Her goal is to encourage employees to become a community working together toward wellness.

Parks & Recreation: Maggie has been providing live and online programming through Parks & Recreation departments since 2007. She has worked with many towns to help get fitness programs off the ground where they witnessed increased participation. As a presenter in both local and National Parks & Recreation Conferences, her goal is to provide information to help staff design and run successful programs that help enhance their community.

Doctors and Physical Therapists: Today information is accumulating at a whirl wind speed, and it is difficult for medical professionals to keep up. Having compiled the current research on pain theory, Maggie helps to ensure doctors and physical therapists are able to provide up-to-date information to their patients. In a world where 1 in 5 people is dealing with chronic pain, it’s important to know what helps the most and discover what isn’t working.

People in pain: One in five people are living with chronic pain. It’s not a light topic and relieving pain can be challenging. Maggie informs and provides a sense of control, helps relieve fears, and builds personal trust. The research she has done provides guidance for reducing pain. People just need to know what tools are available and how they can advocate for themselves.

High Schools, Colleges & Universities: Student populations, like all communities, feel mentally and physically better when they move. Maggie provides tools to get people motivated to move and uses stories to draw people together and create ideas for building a sense of community in your school or organization.

Educators (In-Service for Teachers and BOE): Educators are in the profession of inspiration. They hold our youth and the future in their hands. Young adulthood is where we start to learn healthy habits that can impact our entire life. Learning is enhanced with movement. Physical activity reduces depression and builds self-esteem. We think we don’t have time for fitness in the school day, but we don’t have time not to find ways for all of us to be more active. Each classroom is a microcosm of our community and working together toward wellness improves staff and student relationships.

Speaking Topics

We live in a world directed at small, handheld screens that isolate us. We are hungry for and require a sense of community. This need provides businesses and Parks and Recreation departments the opportunity to become vital organizations by utilizing and creating spaces people are drawn to engage in. In this busy, hectic world, how can we help build the community people so desperately need? The answers to building community may be quirkier, and produce more wonder and attention, than you think.

Who’s it for? Parks & Recreations, Trade & Business Associations, Corporations, Inspirational/Motivational Keynote, Educators, School Boards

Feel like your brain is buzzing? Have you thought: I can’t meditate?  Feeling like your mind always wanders when you try to sit still? You’re not alone and your totally normal. In this workshop we’ll review many types of meditation–from tools to quiet the mind, mantra meditation, breathing techniques, imagery and even moving meditations—in an attempt to provide you a tool to help you rethink what meditation can be in order to broaden your opportunities to relax and find a tranquil moment.

More stressed than usual?  That is totally normal, but what can you do about it?  In this workshop, we’ll review different types of stress responses and some of the positive attributes of stress (that’s right, it’s not all bad).  Then we will discuss exercise, posture and breathing options for stress relief.  All moves in this workshop are gentle.  More rigorous options are discussed.

Have a message about wellness and movement you’d like to get out? Maggie can help. Let us know what you are thinking!

Maggie also offers a series called Workshops for Wellness. For more information go to http://peepsinmotion.com/.

Testimonials: What They’re Saying

Maggie led two insightful presentations to a diverse group of staff members at Wesleyan University. The information and exercises Maggie shared left a lasting impression on everyone. I’ve never left a presentation and felt that I could instantly apply what I learned. That is until Maggies’. Wesleyan looks forward to having Maggie back on campus!

Scott Bushey, Wesleyan University

You were such a hit yesterday—-lively , humorous , and educational!!!!

Kerry O’Keefe, New London Retired Teachers Association

Maggie explains our motivators and asks people to question what motivates them and what fears hold them back. She does this in the context of movement, but our team go so much more value out of her workshop.

Matt Atwater, Tsunami Tsolutions

Maggie would love to partner with you for an upcoming event or conference. Let’s get started by identifying your event goals and objectives.